The Business Value of SAP ECM Solutions by OpenText – and IDC

The world has turned digital, enabling automation, faster productivity and quicker time to value, allowing organizations to become more competitive with faster decision velocity. From document migration to vendor payments and more efficient accounts payable teams, automation and AI bring great benefits for organizations to thrive in the digital world.

IDC interviewed SAP customers integrating and using SAP Enterprise Content Management solutions by OpenText and found that they have established more comprehensive and accessible content and invoicing platforms, which enable efficiencies and higher quality as teams readily identify and obtain the information they need.

IDC calculated that these SAP Customers will realize benefits worth an annual average of $9.29 million per organization ($54,600 per 1 million documents in their SAP ECM solutions by OpenText environments).

Read more about how these customers were able to enable fast and efficient document migrations, support effective regulatory compliance and more in this white-paper.


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