Identity lifecycle and governance at the speed of business

Full visibility and control over the access to applications and data in your digital landscape is becoming a necessity for any company. Achieving this is now possible through a single pane of glass by using Okta. Being a cloud-first product, Okta provides unprecedented speed through automations and brings ease of maintenance in the Identity Governance space.

Identity Governance can now be achieved in weeks instead of years and it no longer has to be a standalone product.

FuseLogic has developed many best practices over the last 16 years of working in the IAM space. We have encompassed these best practices in our ‘Reasons for Access’ approach with a focus on adding value as quickly as possible and putting the business first to increase adoption from day one. This approach combined with Okta allows us to build identity governance solutions in weeks instead of years, resulting in enthusiasm and support in your organization as the added value becomes apparent almost instantly.

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