Branche nieuws

30 april 2024

The Identity Underground Report

Your defenses are sky high, but underground you’re exposed. When it comes to identity protection, the user accounts and configurations we’re aware of lie in full view above the ground. We can, therefore, defend them effectively against identity threats. Unfortunately, this aboveground knowledge is painfully limited. Beneath the known identity attack surface exists an underground [...]
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30 april 2024

Identity & Access Management Selection Guide

Het selecteren van een Identity and Access Management oplossing voor jouw onderneming is verre van eenvoudig. Er is veel om rekening mee te houden en er zijn veel keuzes te maken. Bovendien is het sturen van de discussie naar een snelle en gedegen beslissing allesbehalve eenvoudig. Deze selectiegids helpt je om een solide keuze te [...]
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2 juni 2023

Recap Identity & Access Management 2023

Op 23 mei was het dan zo ver, de 18de editie van Identity & Access Management is van start gegaan. Samen met ruim 200 bezoekers, 23 partners en 28 sprekers hebben kijken we terug op een zeer geslaagde editie. Onder leiding van niemand minder dan Meike de Jong hebben we zowel tijdens het programma als [...]
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2 juni 2023

Identity Governance will be a Key to NIS2 Compliance

In January 2023, the European Union's (EU) updated Network and Information Security Directive, NIS2, came into force. EU Member States will have 21 months to transpose the articles of the Directive into their national legislation, with a due date of October 17, 2024. The requirements of the directive will have implications at the regional, national, [...]
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16 mei 2023

Cyber Insurance Assessment Readiness Checklist

The booming cyber insurance market is a reaction to the explosion of cyberattacks and data breaches in the last few years. In 2021, attacks increased 50%, much more than businesses or insurers expected or budgeted for. Given that most cyber incidents involve compromised credentials, it’s no wonder insurance companies are tightening requirements related to Privileged [...]
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16 mei 2023

Is Your Environment Adaptive Enough for Zero Trust?

Meeting zero trust security goals will require continuous analysis and access control. Although most organizations still use firewalls as their first line of defense, last year’s Executive Order (EO) 140281 stated concrete recommendations that included aggressive timelines. In an effort to make meaningful cybersecurity progress in protecting U.S. Government agencies, the directive requires them to [...]
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28 april 2023

Enhancing consumer experiences while preventing cyber risks in finance

Globally, 73% of people utilize internet banking at least once every month. And more than 85 million EU consumers use digital-only banks or insurers to meet their everyday financial needs—roughly 11% of the whole population. For this reason, banking experiences must be easy and effortless. Friction along the user journey won’t go down easy. At [...]
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28 april 2023

How identity management protects the European financial system

The European Central Bank, as a supervisory authority, requires a variety of processes and supporting applications, all of which are accessible to users through a portal. Access to these applications is strictly control by the bank in accordance with the highest security standards. The bank adheres to a Zero Trust security model and requires European [...]
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28 april 2023

4 Steps to Comprehensive Service Account Security

Service accounts, dedicated non-human accounts used by systems, applications, and services to interact with other systems, are an IT infrastructure basic. They perform scheduled actions automatically and repeatedly in the background, typically going totally unnoticed, and sometimes, forgotten about, by security administrators. Here are countless service accounts in any What are Service Accounts given organization [...]
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