Branche nieuws

28 april 2023

Global Threat Report

The latest edition of the CrowdStrike Global Threat Report comes at an important time for protectors around the world. As organizations focus on managing remote and hybrid teams, operationalizing years of digital transformation and navigating an uncertain global economy, adversaries have become more sophisticated, relentless and damaging in their attacks. As a result, a number [...]
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12 april 2023

Identity & Access Management Selection Guide

In chapter 2, we start from a helicopter view, and answer the question “what are the core needs any Identity and Access Management solution must address?”. We will discuss 5 essential functional needs, and the 4 most important quality attributes. In chapter 3, we extract the 20 most relevant generic selection criteria from those needs. [...]
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12 april 2023

Risk-Based Authentication

Secure access used to be simpler. Everyone logged into the same corporate network, on a managed device, with firewalls to protect internal resources from outsiders. But we live in a hybrid-work world now, with more people working from home, in coffee shops, and while traveling. Each new login attempt from each place and device must [...]
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16 februari 2023

IAM 2023 keert terug in een nieuwe locatie

De 18de editie van het Nederlandse Identity & Access Management congres keert terug op 23 mei! Met het thema: IAM en de verschillende identiteiten zoomen we in op (workforce) IAM en CIAM. Topics zoals Federation, SSO, Identification, Provisioning, Authorisdation, IFA, Secret Management en Zero Trust zullen de revue passeren. Nieuwe locatie Dit jaar heeft het [...]
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1 juni 2022

Recap Identity & Access Management 2022

Op 19 mei was het dan zo ver, de 17de editie van Identity & Access Management is van start gegaan. Met op 19 mei een fysiek congres en vanaf 20 mei het online congres. Samen met ruim 200 deelnemers, 24 partners en 30 sprekers hebben we het congres succesvol af mogen trappen. Onder leiding van [...]
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8 mei 2022

De herontdekking van informatiebeveiliging

Dit artikel had al even geleden geschreven moeten worden. Eigenlijk al heel lang geleden, want het is opvallend hoe vaak we horen over security-incidenten en datalekken. In een paar van mijn recente artikelen ging het over datalekken, vooral vanuit oude(rwetse) informatiesystemen. En wat mij betreft is het probleem niet zozeer dat die systemen niet deugen, [...]
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2 mei 2022

Responsible Solutions for Creating Positive Consumer Experiences through CIAM

Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) processes and solutions govern the execution of processes for enabling consumer access to digital resources while ensuring security and compliance. Modern business success is reliant on the positive experiences of consumers during digital engagements. We want to help you identify optimal solutions and best practices to support your CIAM [...]
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6 april 2022

Identity & Access Management plant 5 bomen in Brazilië

Het Braziliaanse Atlantische Woud staat bekend als een hotspot voor biodiversiteit, één van de 25 meest bijzondere plekken ter wereld die ook het meest wordt bedreigd. Ondanks zijn bedreigde status en wettelijke bescherming blijft het Atlantische Woud

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24 februari 2022

Free e-book: Privilege Access Management for Dummies

A fast, easy read to get up to speed on privileged access management and security basics With so many recent high-profile breaches accomplished through the compromise of passwords on privileged accounts, it’s time all cybersecurity stakeholders got educated. This free, 24-page book, Privileged Access Management for Dummies, gives you, your IT staff, and

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12 oktober 2021

The Definitive Guide to Zero Trust

In 2021, the average cost of a data breach was $4.24 million, compared to $3.86 million in 2020. And by 2025, damages due to cybercrime are estimated to exceed $10.5 trillion. To navigate these dangerous threats, IT security investments have greatly increased. However, 70 percent of security leaders believe that their organizations are still unprotected [...]
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