Congres update

12 October 2023

Dit was Security Leadership 2023

Op 7 februari vond de 19de editie van het Security Leadership congres plaats in 1931 Congrescentrum, 's-Hertogenbosch. Onder leiding van niemand minder dan Sven Kockelmann betraden diverse sprekers het podium die hun kennis en ervaring met het publiek deelden. Naast kennisoverdracht was er ook veel interactie op het netwerkplein. Na afloop van het congres mochten [...]
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14 February 2023

Achieve Digital Sovereignty with Thales

Today the World Economic Forum estimates that over 92% of all data in the western world is stored on servers owned by very few US-based companies. This concentration creates a situation of high dependence and a challenge for business resilience. It also has the potential to impact law enforcement beyond the US. Consequently, digital sovereignty [...]
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2 February 2023

Whitepaper: Exabeam Fusion

Security operations success needs to be redefined, and it starts with the SIEM. As the IT infrastructure shifts into the cloud, the entire security portfolio needs to scale and follow suit. Legacy approaches force security operations teams to manage massive amounts of data across billions of events, but they don’t show the complete picture of [...]
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19 January 2023

Elastic Global Threat Report

In Elastic Security Labs' inaugural threat report, explore threat phenomena and trends, gleaning recommendations to help you prepare for the future of cybersecurity. Learn about the latest malware research, attack patterns, and clusters of malicious activity from a team of seasoned threat researchers working with a broad set of telemetry data. From this threat report, [...]
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19 January 2023

Untangling the Cybersecurity Alphabet Soup From EDR, SIEM, and SOAR to XDR.

Wat betekenen de afkortingen EDR, XDR en MXDR? Cybersecurity-artikelen zijn vaak doorspekt met jargon en afkortingen. In het artikel leggen we een aantal van deze afkortingen uit. Cyberaanvallen worden steeds geavanceerder, wat betekent dat organisaties ook nieuwe beschermingmethoden moeten aanwenden om deze complexe dreigingen tegen te gaan. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan Extended Detection and Response (EDR), [...]
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19 January 2023

How Mars affected a sea change in its cloud security

Mars is a multinational consumer goods company known for their confectionary. Over the past several years, they have moved to the cloud and have developed new expertise and ways of working to support that. They primarily use Azure to centralize their user-driven services and innovate their digital offerings. As their cloud usage continues to expand, [...]
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19 January 2023

Securing your cloud migration at the speed of innovation

Cloud migrations are a transformative undertaking with many moving parts. Implementing a strong security foundation as you migrate creates a shared understanding of the cloud among all cloud teams, visibility into the cloud to keep up with the migration, and allows teams to move fast, securely. In this whitepaper, we explore the challenges and key [...]
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9 January 2023

Managed detection and response (MDR) Buyer’s guide

MDR fulfills a crucial security need. Find out how to choose the right MDR for your organization. Faced with today’s complex threat landscape, many organizations are failing to successfully implement a fundamental endpoint security program, let alone a comprehensive one.

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9 January 2023

Accelerate your cyber insurance initiatives with falcon identity protection

Reduce risk and complexity with hyper-accurate threat detection and real-time prevention of identity-based attacks According to the 2022 CrowdStrike Global Threat Report, ransomware-related data leaks increased by 82% from 2020 to 2021. And, According to the 2021 CrowdStrike Global Security Attitude Survey, 66% of organizations suffered at least one ransomware attack in 2021.

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