Christo Butcher
Strategic Consultant of Fox-IT
Keeping companies safe since the start of the century. I've focused on all different aspects of protecting organizations against digital attacks. From building high-assurance products for governments to tracking threat actors and their malware. From delivering managed detection services to helping clients grow their cyber maturity. Adept at dissecting complex cybersecurity issues into concrete and manageable chunks, I support organizations by shedding light on how cyber attacks actual happen and crafting fact-based solutions for their cyber strategies. In a world of ever-evolving cyber threats, I am here to provide clarity, insight, and data-driven solutions. It's not just what I do, it's what I love. Collaborating and contributing to making our digital world safer, together.
Fox-IT voorkomt, onderzoekt en beperkt de meest serieuze cyberdreigingen. We doen dat aan de hand van innovatieve oplossingen voor overheden, defensie, politie, justitie, kritieke infrastructuren, banken en grote ondernemingen wereldwijd.
Wij combineren slimme ideeën met technologie en maken zo innovatieve oplossingen die bijdragen aan een veilige maatschappij. Intelligence is de key factor in al onze producten en diensten. Onze securityspecialisten verzamelen en analyseren 24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week informatie over de nieuwste dreigingen.