Dr. Martijn Dekker

Global CISO van ABN AMRO Bank N.V.

As top executive and Chief Information Security Officer at ABN AMRO Bank, Martijn has more than 25 years of experience of driving the security strategy of the organisation. Next to that, he has been teaching and supervising master students for over 10 years at Dutch universities. Since early 2020, he is visiting professor Information Security at the University of Amsterdam, conducting research in the field of information security governance, decision making, security automation and information theory. Next to his executive- and academic roles, he is member of the advisory board and chair of the ICT subcommittee of CBS (Statistics Netherlands) and member of several advisory boards. As experienced leader in cybersecurity, Martijn also enjoys, as professional speaker, presenting keynotes, lectures and trainings. In 2022 he was voted to be one of the 100 most innovative and influential security leaders in the world: Global CISO 100 awards 2022. In 2023, he was awarded this honour again. In 2023, he was voted to be one of the 10 most influential CISOs and featured as coverstory of CIO Views. He is dedicated to help develop cybersecurity leadership. See also the the interview with Paul van Liempt, two years ago, during the Heliview Cyber Security Experience: https://martijndekker.eu/images/Vraaggesprek_Martijn_Dekker_HD.mp4


Als topman en Chief Information Security Officer bij ABN AMRO Bank heeft Martijn meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in het aansturen van de beveiligingsstrategie van de organisatie. Daarnaast doceert en begeleidt hij al meer dan 10 jaar masterstudenten aan Nederlandse universiteiten. Sinds begin 2020 is hij gasthoogleraar Informatiebeveiliging aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, waar hij onderzoek doet op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging, governance, besluitvorming, beveiligingsautomatisering en informatietheorie. Naast zijn bestuurs- en wetenschappelijke functies lid van de adviesraad en voorzitter van de ICT-subcommissie van het CBS en lid van diverse adviesraden.

Als ervaren leider in cybersecurity geeft Martijn ook graag keynotes, lezingen en trainingen. In 2022 werd hij verkozen tot een van de 100 meest innovatieve en invloedrijke beveiligingsleiders ter wereld: Global CISO 100 awards 2022.

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