Ton Hoeve

Senior Presales Specialist van Crayon Benelux

HOW TO DO THE THINGS WE DO EVEN BETTER, EASIER AND MORE EFFICIENT? That question motivates me. Working in IT Asset Management, this question represents my daily business. To accomplish this goal I start with a thorough analysis of an organization; which different interests and goals are there in the organization, what do we need today and tomorrow to maintain the business? But also, what is or could be marked as obsolete? Followed by using my knowledge in the areas of IT Asset Management, cloud and volume licensing, to find a match to create and design the necessary steps to accomplish the desired solution or outcome.


Crayon gelooft dat je in een ideale wereld alleen betaalt voor wat waardevol is. In een alsmaar veranderende IT-wereld is die waarde niet altijd vanzelfsprekend. Daarom helpen wij organisaties om op een duurzame manier het maximale uit hun IT-investeringen te halen.

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