Whitepaper: Controlling Cloud Costs with Crayon Cloud Optimization

How important is it to continuously ensure the performance of your applications?

These days, a business’ success is directly proportional to the performance of its applications. Users depend on applications to fulfil their needs, and if your business cannot deliver, you are leaving customers in a lurch. This makes application performance a critical part of nearly every business.

According to a study by Sapio Research, 92% of IT decision makers believe their organisation has room for improvement in their IT hardware and software spending. Crayon’s own research backs this up, showing that 54% of business decision makers rated IT cost optimization as the biggest challenge in managing an IT estate.

Without proper visibility into your cloud spending, it’s very hard to optimize your cloud infrastructure for costs, performance, or anything else. You may not even know there’s an issue until it reaches a certain threshold — or worse, until a user submits a service ticket. Couple that with teams working in silos, separate from other parts of the organization, each doing their own thing… and you have a recipe for confusion.

In short, you are stuck being reactive instead of proactive.

What can you do?
You can devote more employee time to monitoring application health.  You can set up usage alerts to let you know when applications go above a certain threshold. You can over-provision bandwidth as an insurance policy. The problem with all these solutions is that they cost you extra money and they don’t fix the root cause of application resourcing issues: visibility. What if, instead, there was software that could monitor all your cloud environments in real time, make decisions, and take actions to assure that all applications get the resources they need when they need them?

A software that could:
• Assure application performance
• Accelerate cloud-native initiatives
• Improve cloud strategies
• Modernize/consolidate data center projects
• Decrease your company’s carbon footprint
…and save you money all at the same time?

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