
maart 29, 2021

DOWNLOAD: The Data Strategy Playbook

As the pace of industry disruption and company transformation accelerates, ad hoc initiatives around data and analytics aren’t enough for sustainable success. You need a data strategy that will provide a foundation for the future, one that will democratize data and build a strong culture where every employee thinks about data as a strategic asset. [...]
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februari 11, 2021

Heliview Conferences & Training goes LIVE!

After we successfully organised our first online events at the end of 2020, it is time for the next step. Heliview Conferences & Training goes LIVE! In addition to our 20-minute TALKS, TALKshows and the online one-to-one meetings with experts, we add LIVE roundtables, workshops and webinars to our 30-day online events. LIVE SESSIONS From [...]
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december 22, 2020

Cheers to 2021!

2020 was a year to remember, in an odd way. Our organisation had to change very rapidly, but we are proud with our completely new and innovative 30 days online events! 2021 promises to become an exciting year!

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mei 7, 2020

Data Protection Authority: theme file

The whole world is currently under the spell of the COVID-19 virus. While the government is constantly looking for the right strategy against the virus, the health apps have been discussed a number of times. However, even in this critical situation it’s important to respect the principles of data protection.

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april 24, 2020

Heliview Starts Organising 1,5 meters Summits

In September 2020 Heliview Conferences & Training will be the very first to organise a 1,5 meters conference in The Netherlands and Belgium. With this initiative, Heliview Conferences & Training wants to make sure to share knowledge and connect people. Working from home became part of our daily

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maart 13, 2020

Our security measures concerning COVID-19

You will have noticed all the reporting about COVID-19. Of course, as the organiser of conferences, we also closely follow the news and advice from the federal government. Our conferences until 6 April have therefore been cancelled and moved to another date.

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maart 13, 2020

We are proud to present our new website!

Join us on this new journey The moment you visit a website, you want clarity. You want to know what to expect and where to find particular information you are looking for. We did our utmost to create an experience on our brand new website. Therefore, we are proud to announce our

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juni 12, 2019

What are the barriers to the data-driven company?

Danielle Jacobs moderated the interactive ‘Strategy Café’ session at Heliview’s Data Driven Business Summit in October; the session aimed to provide a view on the challenges companies face for good data governance. A live opinion poll provided some interesting insight into

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mei 8, 2019

Erik Valgaeren: Data is not an existing category in our civil code

Legal systems work on the basis of categories and classifications (‘goods’/’moveable’ and ‘immoveable’, ‘tangible’ and ‘intangible’, ‘contracts’…). ‘Data’ is not an existing category in our civil code and it is difficult to qualify data under one of the existing legal categories.

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april 24, 2019

European Cloud Alliance: How to achieve AI-driven business

Many industries are going through a digital transformation, and artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver of it. It is changing the way how businesses and developers think about innovation and the ways how it will deeply transform our lives. Cloud computing can also contribute

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