Arief Dahoe
Explosion, Hydrogen Safety and Combustion Scientist
Dr. Arief Dahoe is a renowned scientist specializing in Explosion, Hydrogen Safety, and Combustion. He conducts in-depth scientific research into explosion and hydrogen safety challenges, serving a diverse clientele that includes industrial corporations, research institutions, and military organizations.
Dr. Dahoe holds an MSc in Chemical Engineering with a focus on Particle Technology and Fluid Dynamics, as well as a PhD in Explosion Dynamics (Gas and Dust Explosions), both earned at Delft University of Technology. He has since expanded his expertise through academic and professional roles at institutions such as Delft University of Technology, Cambridge University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Ulster University, Wageningen University, the European Network of Excellence HySafe, and the Dutch Armed Forces.
His research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including:
- Fire and explosion hazards of hydrogen,
- Gas and dust explosion dynamics,
- Explosion simulation and mitigation technologies,
- Turbulence decay in transient flows,
- Specialized turbulent combustion modeling for gas and dust explosions,
- Turbulence modification by dispersed particles in gas phases,
- Thermobaric and nuclear weapons,
- Flame retardants,
- Pulsed electric fields for microbial food safety, and
- The applied mathematics of explosions (e.g., tensor analysis and least- -
- squares gradient reconstruction with stiff time integration).
Dr. Dahoe is also the creator of the world’s first higher education program in Hydrogen Safety, offering PgCert, PgDip, and MSc qualifications in Hydrogen Safety Engineering. Additionally, he leads the development of the International Curriculum on Hydrogen Safety Engineering for the European Commission.
Ministerie van Defensie
Arief Dahoe, Explosion, Hydrogen Safety and Combustion Scientist van Ministerie van Defensie
Het Ministerie van Defensie is verantwoordelijk voor de bescherming en veiligheid van Nederland, zowel binnen als buiten de landsgrenzen. De organisatie draagt bij aan vrede, veiligheid en stabiliteit door middel van militaire operaties, humanitaire hulp en crisismanagement. Het ministerie bestaat uit de krijgsmachtdelen – de Landmacht, Luchtmacht, Marine en Marechaussee – en ondersteunt zowel nationale als internationale missies. Daarnaast houdt Defensie zich bezig met rampenbestrijding, cybersecurity en de bescherming van vitale infrastructuur. Hun missie is het beschermen van wat Nederland dierbaar is en bijdragen aan een veilige en stabiele wereld.