NEW: Executive Tables
In addition to the conferences, we are now introducing Executive Tables. Several studies have shown that professionals need small-scale in-depth knowledge sessions. That is exactly what our Executive Tables offer. Talk to 8 to 10 peers about the issues that are currently relevant within your organisation. Under the guidance of a professional moderator and a knowledge partner, we will look for the answer to your questions together.
What is it?
- 150 minutes
- 8 to 10 peers
- On a professional venue
- Exclusive, by invitation
- 90 minutes of dialogue based on a predetermined topic
- 60 minutes afterwards exclusive lunch
How does it work?
Do you also need to dive deeper into topics such as cybersecurity, data management, cloud, IT infrastructures and more with peers? The Executive Tables are the perfect opportunity to spar with peers and learn from the lessons of other organisations. Sign up for an Executive Table and we’ll do the rest. Do you need a specific topic? You can always request this via!