Thomas Rysgaard Christiansen
Expert van Case Noorwegen
Thomas Rysgaard Christiansen is the former CEO of KOMBIT, Inc. He spent the last 13 years overseeing the procurement and development of efficient, coherent, and user-friendly IT-solutions for both the state and local government in Denmark. Drawing on his technical and business background, Thomas led the company through the immense task of replacing and modernizing a monopolized critical case management and self-service systems portfolio as well as ensure new critical infrastructure for the local Danish government.
Thomas is a strong advocate of digitalization and coherent digital development of the public sector. He applies his extensive experience from the private sector to his approach to digital transformation in the public sector. Thomas is a frequent member on expert boards and facilitates several networks on the subject of digital development and transformation. Thomas joined Netcompany in 2023 as International Market Development Partner. Thomas will be the overall Group responsible for our digital government vertical and will lead our large new project EU-Wallet.
Over het DigiBarnevern-project
In de periode 2016-2023 hebben verschillende rijks- en gemeentelijke actoren via het DigiBarnevern-project samengewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van gemeenschappelijke nationale oplossingen die zullen bijdragen aan een hogere kwaliteit van de kinderbescherming.