Heliview Starts Organising 1,5 meters Summits
In September 2020 Heliview Conferences & Training will be the very first to organise a 1,5 meters conference in The Netherlands and Belgium. With this initiative, Heliview Conferences & Training wants to make sure to share knowledge and connect people.
Working from home became part of our daily routines and keeping your distance in the grocery store is the new way of living. Yet, for a lot of organisations is finding new and innovative ways of continuing their business in these days a hard job. Organisations need to find out how to rearrange their offices for their employees, but also the (social) events organisations organise need to change. “That is why we want to make the first step in the right direction, a step of 1,5 meters,” Hans de Werd said, CEO and Founder of Heliview Conferences & Training.
1,5 Meters, the New Standard
When the Prime Minister of the Netherlands announced that all events were not able to take place until the first of June, Heliview knew that we had to do something. Heliview started to brainstorm about a new way to experience conferences, but by still keeping the power they use to have. “We want to share knowledge with our participants and make sure that they can connect and network. This physical meeting between our participants and experts is the core of our business” mentioned CEO Hans de Werd about the conferences. “That is also why we are extremely proud to announce that we will be the first organisation to organise conferences with the new standard of 1,5 meters.”
Rebuilding Trust
Heliview knows that people need to rebuild their trust to participate in events with large groups of people. “That is why we want to offer our participants and experts a safe way to gain knowledge, experience practical skills, grow inspiration and meet new contacts at our conferences.”
Heliview Conferences & Training
Heliview created a few extraordinary concepts for the 1,5 meters conferences. The exact details about this and the various measures that will be taken to guarantee the safety of our participants and experts will be announced very soon at the website heliview.be/summits/stay-safe.