Contact and venue

icoon locatie

Bygget Fest & Konferens
Norrlandsgatan 11
111 43 Stockholm

icoon telefoon

For more information about your registration, please contact:
Participants Service: +31 76 – 548 40 20.

Contact the organisation

For more information about the programme and partner posibilities, please contact:
Joop Hermans, Conference Producer: + 31 76 548 40 41

Partner possibilities
For more information about partner posibilities, please contact:
Aimane El Massnaoui, Sales Executive: +31 76 – 548 40 27

For more information about the marketing, please contact:
Maxine Buckers,  Marketing Executive: +31 76 – 548 40 56

For more information about the logistics of the conference, please contact:
Myrthe van Leest, Conference Delivery Executive: +31 76 548 40 17

pand Heliview

Other questions?

Feel free to contact us!