
Bygget Fest & Konferens, Stockholm

3 December 2024

The experts

State of Cyber Security Sweden

On this page the experts who will be speaking at State of Cyber Security Sweden will be announced. So stay tuned and keep an eye on this page to be the first to know who will be the first expert at this conference.

Jesper Larsson

Jesper Larsson

IT-Security Researcher, 0x4a

Laurent Strauss

Laurent Strauss

Cyber Security Strategist, OpenText

André Carty

André Carty

Senior Advisor in IT/Information Security and Cyber Risk, Kahn Pedersen

Sakarias Strand

Sakarias Strand

Project manager, Cybersecurity of Kista Science City

Joakim Kavrestad

Joakim Kavrestad

Lecturer & Researcher in Cybersecurity of Jönköping University

When will they speak?

Check out our programme

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