Participate in the summit
Van der Valk **** Mechelen
1 Rode-Kruisplein
2800 Mechelen, Belgium
For more information about your registration, please contact:
Participants Service: +31 76 – 548 40 20.
Parking at the venue
1 Rode-Kruisplein, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
More information & Parking:
Parking at Parking Keerdok is accessible from the N16 via a direct exit lane. Via the bicycle and pedestrian bridge, you get to the Van der Valk hotel just a 2-minute walk away. The address to reach Parking Keerdok is Antonia Wolversstraat 1, Mechelen.
Contact the organisation
For more information about the programme and partner posibilities, please contact:
Arthur Piels, Conference Producer: +31 76 – 548 40 21
Partner possibilities
For more information about partner posibilities, please contact:
Aimane El Massnaoui, Sales Executive: +31 76 – 548 40 27
For more information about the marketing posibilities, please contact
Maxine Buckers, Marketing Executive: +31 76 – 548 40 56
For more information about the logistics of the conference, please contact:
Myrthe van Leest, Conference Delivery Executive: +31 76 – 548 40 17
Van der Valk **** Mechelen
1 Rode-Kruisplein, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
More information:
Parking at Parking Keerdok is accessible from the N16 via a direct exit lane. Via the bicycle and pedestrian bridge, you get to the Van der Valk hotel just a 2-minute walk away. The address to reach Parking Keerdok is Antonia Wolversstraat 1, Mechelen.