Erik van Zuuren

Chair of TrustCore

Erik is activily engaged in several jobs / activities, which activities include: Founder TrustCore.EU Topic Leader ITSE-S2 “Security Practices” at Solvay Brussels School Security advisor and architect at BNP Paribas Fortis - Global Security Advisor/Expert on Trust/eID/eSig/eSeal/Blockchain at Flemish Government Expert / PM regarding (Qualified) Trust Services related guidelines for ENISA Since January 2015 Erik left a big4 to start up TrustCore.EU and is currently active in the roles mentioned in the list above. Erik has years of experience/expertize in amongst others: Governance/Risk/Compliance, eGovernment/eBusiness/eBanking, Trust Services and Trusted/Trustworthy (eco-)systems, Enterprise (Security) Architectures, Service Oriented Architectures and Cloud Platforms, Information & CyberSecurity (Management) etc. Erik's engagements include activities in public sector (Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal ICT Department (Fedict), the eGov & ICT agency of the Flemish Gov, DG Connect, DG Employment, DG RTD, EC-ISA, etc.) as well as activities in a diverse spectrum of private sector organizations (incl. NBB, ING, KBC, Electrabel Suez, Infrabel, DeLijn, BPost, Euroclear).Erik's achievements include being one of the fathers/authors of the blueprint for the Belgian Personal Identity Card Project (BelPIC) and being one of the fathers of key egov-supporting services at the Flemish government (wide range of (trust-)services wrt e-identification / e-authentication / authorisation / e-signing / stamping, etc). Currently Erik is focusing on Enterprise (Security) Architecture, on the effects/implementation of the eIDAS-Trust Regulation and on the upcoming Payment Services Directive 2.


TrustCore is an organisation which is set up to assist government organisations, financial services institutions and other enterprises as a truly trusted and independent advisor to handle the challenges and take the opportunities of the digital age, especially in realising trusted environments and eco-systems.


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