Prepare for Belgium's Mandatory E-Invoicing from 1 January 2026
The E-Invoicing Conference is the place where financial professionals meet and where all innovations in the field of financial and invoice automation are closely followed. This year, the theme is, of course, linked to mandatory E-Invoicing for Belgium from 1 January 2026. At the E-Invoicing Conference, you will be prepared for the upcoming legislation and can get more inspiration on further digitizing and optimizing financial processes and procurement activities within your organization!

A few speakers of 2024

Francesca Vanthielen
Chair of the e-invoicing conference

Brent Wagemans
Senior Manager Group Finance of H.Essers

Sofie Vandermarliere
Senior Manager Indirect Tax | Deloitte

Irena Rivière-Osipov
Team Leader for EU eInvoicing Policy, European Commission
With great pride and support of the Belgian Government we present you the E-invoicing Award
It is time to put the organisations that have turned digitising invoicing into a gain in efficiency into the spotlight at the annual E-invoicing Award.
The nominees are in:
- Soluzio
- Stad Gent
- Lucy
- Bridgestone
The award ceremony will take place at the E-Invoicing Conference 2024 at BluePoint, Brussels at October 22.
The winner of the E-Invoicing Award 2024 is Soluzio!

To nominate your organisation for the E-invoicing Award is a good way to check where you are in the process of digitalisation, and it’s a nice way to meet other companies.
Ann Magnus, CEO, Magnus Business Gifts and Winner of the E-Invoicing Award 2022
This conference was made possible by:
Latest news
Accounting White Paper
KMO E-facturatiecongres 2025
Whitepaper: The landscape of e-invoicing in Belgium and France
The shift towards e-invoicing is revolutionizing invoicing processes across industries worldwide.