Bart van Coile
Chairman ITAA
Bart Van Coile is founder and partner at accountancy firm Van Coile & Partners. Since 2019, he is also the first chairman of the ITAA, the Institute for Tax Advisers and Accountants. Bart is very driven in everything he undertakes and is always eager to learn. This, in combination with his years of experience, makes him an excellent speaker. He is also HOGENT's Honorary Ambassador.
The ITAA is the institute for Tax Advisers and Accountants. All accountants and tax advisers in Belgium must be affiliated, comply with the deontology and be included in the public register. The ITAA ensures that tax advisors and accountants have the skills, knowledge, ethics and influence to contribute to successful businesses and a sustainable economy. We connect our members with entrepreneurs, governments and society. We strengthen their mutual trust and represent their respective interests.