Historically,accounting has been considered as a dull and unexciting aspect of business. Nonetheless, as a business evolves, the accounting department  will become arguably one of the most important components for its success. This is why providing the accounting team with the tools they need in order to monitor these factors effectively is critical for the financial health of the  organization.

Many accounting software options are available on the market, offering numerous features and reporting functions that accountants require, but how  does one decide which is best? The ideal solution is accounting software that can be integrated with other commercial solutions. This will result in significant time and resource savings for the organization.

In this white paper, we have chosen to compare the biggest players on the market, namely Odoo, Quickbooks, Sage, and Xero. For a balanced  comparison of the most widely used accounting solutions, we have compiled a table outlining the essential features an accounting software should encompass. The categories are as follows: General Accounting, Accounts  Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank and Cash, Extras, and Reporting.These categories encompass almost everything a company needs to manage  its finances. We have also included a comprehensive list of the pricing conditions and usability analysis for each solution.

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