Edward Roosens

Chief Economist & Executive Manager of VBO-FEB

In 1995, Edward Roosens graduated with great distinction from the University of Ghent with a Master's degree in Economic Sciences. His first job was in the Research Department at Belgian bank KBC. Six years later he was appointed as an Advisor in the Economics Department of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB). Between 2006 and 2010 he worked for various top-ranking politicians (Vincent Van Quickenborne, Guy Verhofstadt and Guido De Padt). Early in 2015, after 4 years at EY in charge of expanding its public-sector consultancy, he returned to FEB, this time as its Chief Economist. Since January 2020, Edward Roosens is also leading the new Competence Centre 'Digital and Innovative Entrepreneurship'.


VBO FEB – the voice of business in Belgium – has 40 member federations, which in turn represent more than 50,000 small, medium and large companies. All told, they account for 75% of employment in the private sector, 80% of Belgium’s exports and two thirds of its added value. As the country’s only multi-industry umbrella organisation for employers, VBO FEB represents companies from all three regions of Belgium.

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