Jos Gijbels


Jos Gijbels is the director of the USS since 2008. Before that, he was active in the field of occupational training for construction workers as a Director of a training company and later as a Director of a sectoral organization, responsible for the financing and organizing these trainings. In this function, he implemented a scheme for certification of personal skills of construction workers. He has an educational background in psychology, social pedagogy and digital transformation. As the chairman of the Digital Platform of the FEB/VBO and as the CEO at USS, he is very much interested in how Belgian governments organize their digital transformation.


The USS represents the common interests of its members, the Recognized Social Secretariats.

Since 1945, the social secretariats have been supporting employers in fulfilling their social and tax obligations with the government.

The Union of Social Secretariats (USS) unites and is the mouthpiece of the social secretariats in Belgium. They provide a range of services: wage calculation, declarations, social legal advice and HR services.

The USS strives for a simple application of social regulations for employers and advocates administrative simplification and legal certainty in the implementation of various government measures. In this way, the recognised social secretariats contribute to the growth and development of Belgian companies.

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