Programme 2023

BluePoint, Brussels

Conference: 22 October 2024

This was the programme of 2023

This was the programma of the E-Invoicing Conference on 24 October 2023. Meanwhile, work on the 2024 programme is in full swing. If you have any suggestions, please contact Gidi Jaegers.

Welcome and Registration

The Heliview employees will welcome you to the conference, they will check you in and provide you with a badge.

Of course the coffee or tea is ready for you!

Francesca Vanthielen

Francesca Vanthielen

Chair of the e-invoicing conference

Opening by Chairman Francesca Vanthielen

Welcoming and opening by chairman Chairman Francesca Vanthielen.
This year’s theme is: Taking the Next Step.

Nell Peeters

Nell Peeters

Tax Advisor of KPMG Belgium

Stefanie Dreher

Stefanie Dreher

Director Indirect Tax of KPMG Belgium

Keynote: E-invoicing to become the new normal

Nell Peeters | Tax Advisor & Stefanie Dreher | Director Indirect Tax | KPMG Belgium

In this keynote, the relevant key points related to e-invoicing in the ViDA proposal and the current state of the approval process will briefly discussed. Furthermore, the Belgian government announced its plans to introduce mandatory B2B e-invoicing at national level in a draft law proposal. The presentation will thus also focus on the Belgian draft law proposal and how this might be influenced by ViDA. We will also take a peek at the neighbouring countries to see how they are dealing with the upcoming changes to e-invoicing.

Ann Magnus

Ann Magnus

CEO of Magnus Business Gifts

Keynote: Taking the Next Step in your Business

Ann Magnus | CEO | Magnus business gifts

Get inspired by Ann Magnus about how they have taken the next steps in their organisation to move forward with their digitalisation. Partly because of this, they won the E-Invoicing Award 2023 in the category Businesses. They are not done digitising yet, get on board and get an insight into what they are currently working on and what steps they still want to take. Be inspired and motivated by the journey of Magnus Business Gifts!

After attending this session, you will know:

  • How digitalisation becomes a cost saver
  • How digitalisation becomes a time saver
  • How digitalisation improves paymentconditions

Morningbreak with one-to-one meetings

Wouter Bollaert

Wouter Bollaert

Adviseur-generaal a.i. of FOD Financiën

Keynote: Belgium's Vision on E-Invoicing and E-Reporting

Wouter Bollaert | Advisor-general a.i. | FOD Financiën - SPF Finances

E-Invoicing and E-Reporting is evolving at a rapid speed. With E-invoicing and E-reporting we can unlock the best of both worlds: enable large scale business efficiencies, as well as optimising tax compliance. This session describes a future proof model that suits both needs.

Lessons learned after following this session:

  • What interoperability is and how can we solve it.
  • Why we do need standards.
  • Why governments do need to intervene in how companies exchange documents.

Lunchbreak with one-to-one meetings

Michel Gilis

Michel Gilis

Chair Interop Working Group, GENA

Break-out session 1A: Standards Based E-Invoicing for Global Organisations

Michel Gilis | Chair Interop Working Group | EESPA

By now, B2G (Business-To-Government) e-invoicing is mandatory for public procurements in the EU. More and more countries are moving to CTC (Continuous Transaction Control), and B2B e-invoicing is becoming a must-have for organisations. It is expected that all EU counties will have mandated B2B e-invoicing by 2030. Europe’s ViDa (Vat in the Digital Age) initiative will have an important impact as well, making cross border e-invoicing mandatory by 2027. The session aims to help you to manage the impact of these new e-invoicing mandates, as well as strategies, tips, and keys to success for easy compliance.

After attending this session, you will know:

  • Assess the impact on you organisation of the compliance requirements.
  • Go for re-usability of the selected solution.
  • How to meet the deadlines.
Dirk Willekens

Dirk Willekens

E-Invoice Programme Manager of Billit B.V.

Break-out session 1B: No Fear for E-Invoicing: Just Do It!

Dirk Willekens | E-Invoice Programme Manager | Billit

Times are changing and many countries, driven by European initiatives, want to migrate in the short term towards mandatory e-invoicing in B2G and B2B. Every company will be impacted but depending on the size of your company, the right approach may vary. In this break-out session, Dirk Willekens uses real-life case studies to explain what problems exist and what solutions and recommendations can help. The presentation will focus on shaping the possible approaches to meet specific e-invoicing needs. By doing so, every company will be able to come, see and conquer the challenges of this new era. In short see e-invoicing as a positive development and not as a threat. Go for veni, vidi, vici!

After attending this session, you will learn:

  • Every company can easily start with e-invoicing
  • The opportunities of e-invoicing for any organisation
  • E-invoicing is becoming commodity: choose the right partner
Monica Adami

Monica Adami

EU Senior Consultant of PwC Belgium

Juan Martinez Alvarez

Juan Martinez Alvarez

Senior Associate of PwC Belgium

Break-out session 2A: Navigating the E-Invoicing landscape: Comparative analysis of E-Invoicing in EU Member States

Monica Adami | EU Senior Consultant & Juan Alvarez | Senior Associate

In this break-outsession, we will discover the latest insights and a comparative analysis of E-Invoicing implementation in EU Member States. This session presents a comprehensive overview based on the 2023 updated Country Factsheets, covering areas such as E-Invoicing, standards and platforms, digital reporting requirements, monitoring implementation, etc. Gain valuable insights and potential recommendations for optimising E-Invoicing practices. Join us to understand the current state of play and discover potential best practices in this evolving landscape.

After attending this session, you will:

  • Understand the differences and similarities in E-invoicing implementation across EU Member States.
  • Discover potential recommendations and best practices for optimising E-Invoicing practices.
  • Understand how to stay updated on E-Invoicing latest developments and trends in EU Member States.

The speakers Monica Adami and Juan Alvarez, discover the latest insights and a comparative analysis of E-Invoicing implementation in EU Member States. Both Monica and Juan are working as external contractors to the European Commission, offering services regarding policy and stakeholder management in the context of the DIGITAL eInvoicing Building Block.

Guido Dilles

Guido Dilles

IT Consultant of MSC Shared Service Center Belgium N.V.

Break-out session 2B: MSC Belgium's e-Invoicing efforts: Lessons learnt & takeaways

Guido Dilles | IT Consultant | Mediterranean Shipping Company Belgium N.V.

In 2011 MSC Belgium decided to revamp all invoicing processes to tackle the growing paper mountain. They chose UBL as the internal pivotal format for both Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable. They set their sights to interoperability with the four-corner model and ultimately PEPPOL. In this session, aimed at Finance & IT professionals, Guido Dilles will focus on the Accounts Receivable side. He will share their practical experience, roadblocks and lessons learnt, along with some design principles that helped them along the way towards 100% e-invoicing. Although much has been achieved, some challenges remain, especially in an international business context.

After attending this session, you will learn:

  • How to minimise the number of XML variants you produce.
  • How to prepare for evolving regulations & mandates.
  • How to handle your customers’ delivery preferences.
  • How to resist your customers’ onboarding efforts.

Afternoonbreak with one-to-one meetings

Francesca Vanthielen

Francesca Vanthielen

Chair of the e-invoicing conference

Serge Libert

Serge Libert

eGOV Project Manager at BOSA

Ann Magnus

Ann Magnus

CEO of Magnus Business Gifts

Talkshow: The Purpose Behind the New Obligation of E-Invoicing in Belgium

The world of e-invoicing is in full swing. More and more countries are making e-invoicing mandatory. Last Friday 29 September 2023, news broke out that Belgium will also see the mandatory introduction of digital e-invoicing between companies from 1 January 2026.

In this talk show, several stakeholders talk about what this means for organisations in Belgium. All companies should start taking action and start sending e-invoices to governments, but also in B2B.

Issues that will be discussed:

  • What does this mean for companies?
  • How can organisations deal with this?
  • What should organisations take into account?
  • What are best practices?
Wouter Bollaert

Wouter Bollaert

Adviseur-generaal a.i. of FOD Financiën

Wynand Tastenhoye

Wynand Tastenhoye

Business Service Manager at Odoo

Alexis de Biolley

Alexis de Biolley

Public Affairs of Institute for Tax Advisors and Accountants

Francesca Vanthielen

Francesca Vanthielen

Chair of the e-invoicing conference

Closure by the Chairman of the Day

Chairman Francesca Vanthielen will conclude the conference day and look back.

Saskia van Uffelen

Saskia van Uffelen

Manager digital

Edward Roosens

Edward Roosens

Chief Economist & Executive Manager of VBO-FEB

E-Invoicing Awards 2023

We are pleased to announce that there will be a sequel to the E-Invoicing Award 2022. This year’s E-Invoicing Award 2023 will take place during the E-Invoicing Conference and mark a milestone in the digitisation of e-invoicing. These award aims to recognise and praise the exceptional efforts of organisations in advancing the e-invoicing landscape.

We will honour those who have demonstrated excellence, innovation and transformational impact in their respective fields. Celebrate with us the pioneers who are shaping the future of e-invoicing and inspire the next wave of digital transformation.

The awards are handed out by Jack Hamande, Edward Roosens and Saskia van Uffelen.

This moment will take place at the networking square. You can enjoy drinks, bites and chat with fellow participants and partners.

Dirk Willekens

Dirk Willekens

E-Invoice Programme Manager of Billit B.V.

Niels Mahieu

Niels Mahieu

Marketing & Communication Manager of Billit B.V.

Digitalisation & E-Invoicing for SMEs: The Future Starts Tomorrow

Dirk Willekens | E-Invoice Programme Manager & Philippe Moerman | CUSTOMER SUCCESS DIRECTOR| Billit

In this era of increasing digitalisation, e-invoicing has become an important topic for companies looking to optimise their processes and be prepared for the future of digital business. This does not only impact large enterprises, but will also have its effect on SMEs. With the urgency of e-invoicing – or electronic invoicing – companies can now streamline and automate their invoicing processes, saving time and money and becoming more efficient. E-invoicing also offers benefits in terms of accuracy and security, as it reduces the risk of errors and fraud.

Bring your questions and ask them to Dirk Willekens and Victor Kerremans. They will be happy to reply so you can take the next steps in your organisation. In addition, they will share their experiences to inspire you. You can also talk to other colleagues and learn from each other’s experiences and challenges. In short, join this online roundtable and discover how you can get started tomorrow!


After attending this online session, you will learn:

  • What we can expect in the nearby future on e-invoicing.
  • Where is Belgium situated in an international context.
  • What you can do today to be prepared.


  • ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age)
  • E-procurement
  • E-invoicing abroad
  • Mandatory e-invoicing
  • CTC (Continuous Translate Controls)
  • Onboarding Customers and Suppliers
  • Standards
  • Order to Cash (O2C)
  • Purchase to Pay (P2P)
  • Laws and Regulations
  • Invoice Automation